Saturday, October 3, 2009

Running fast....down the wrong path?

A long time ago I was running a race in Evanston and was going at a very fast clip. Suddenly there was a fork and no sign to direct the runners. I veered left and found out after a few minutes that that was not right. As I debated the virtues of "consistency" with my brother, one who is well-versed in the classics and in contemporary writings, I began re-examining my assumptions about consistency- consistency in one's thought processes, consistency in one's deeds, and consistency in one's dedication to learning. When learning supersedes all other priorities, perhaps other actions fall into place. As one consistently learns more about the environment and then about oneself, then all other elements will be in harmony, even if they appear inconsistent to the external observer.

1 comment:

Vishu Gurram said...


Nicely said.

On their own axis as the planets run,
Yet make at once their circle round the sun;
So two consistent motions act the soul;
And one regards itself, and one the whole.
Thus God and nature link’d the gen’ral frame,
And bade self-love and social be the same.

(From Alexander Pope's Essay on Man)