Friday, July 31, 2009

A "Concrete" story

More evidence that running can be very hazardous to one's health and can modify that to say running on concrete...
There have been quite a few times when I have been running on concrete surfaces, including sidewalks and roads, and have taken quite nasty tumbles. The runner assumes that the surface is going to be level, but the great forces of nature and humans can make one slab of concrete slightly higher than the next. The unsuspecting runner promptly hits the raised slab with his shoe and promptly goes down. A fall on concrete is rather hard and painful, and takes a while for the runner to recover.
A friend of mine suffered the same accident recently. It is a bad thing that most runners are not too interested in filing lawsuits- otherwise the city governments would be busy coughing up concrete analysis and putting in decent engineering crews to fix the problems.

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