Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mumbai to Chennai

Running in Mumbai on Wednesday January 7th was a memorable experience. The previous day we had gone by the Taj Hotel and Gateway of India- the location of the terrorist attacks of 26/11. I got up early and went out for a run at 6:00AM. Went by the Taj, looked at it, then cut across towards Nariman Point. Went for quite a while and then turned back. It was a great run, and it was fascinating to see Mumbai in motion at the early hour of dawn. Many people were cleaning the streets, vendors were setting up stalls, people were waiting for buses. Came back to the hotel around 7:30AM. Showered up, went down for breakfast to the Tamarind Restaurant on the first floor. Mala, the travel guide showed up at 9:00AM.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Alarmel Valli and Bharatanatyam

Thanks to Youtube one can now watch videos of Alarmel Valli performing Bharatanatyam.
She is a pure joy to watch, and brings back the romance of the classical South Indian dancing.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Looking back to Looking Ahead

As I went out for a run in the cold weather today I reminisced about the year gone by. It was a strange year, on the romantic side. One person I got close to played me like a violin but let me hang to dry. Another person claimed she was a professional but wanted a man who would be running after her and be at her beck and call. Funny that people say they want prompt responses but never bother to do it themselves. This person texted me to let me know she agreed with me that we were not a good fit- she did not have courtesy to call and let me know.

I am optimistic that a real woman of substance is out there somewhere, who is right for a man of substance, one who thinks. I have to refine my search algorithms to find this woman.