Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A "wait"y question

In India, there is a line for almost anything. But Indians do not form a disciplined line, everyone tries to get around everyone else to move to the front, usually trampling the elderly and the kids.
One place with no wait is the exercise room in the complex I am staying. Not particularly known for gym exercises, Indians are not beating a door to these rooms.
When one cannot run, due to weather or another reason, the indoor gym looks quite attractive.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Virtual Run

Visualization, from all accounts, has a lot of power. Great athletes visualize how they perform, before they execute. As a runner, I am visualizing right now, because the weather puts a break on execution.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I went out to run at 5:30AM this morning, and it was steamy. The daylight had appeared, and the streets were slowly seeing activity. Fair number of walkers. Lots of cars- noticed more Hondas than any other make in the complex.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Running takes a holiday

I went out in Delhi today and it felt like a boiling cauldron. Running in this weather is going to be extremely challenging.

Too Hot to Handle

With the night time low temperatures in the 100s running in Delhi will prove to be a challenge. Survival first will be the motto.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Unearthing the Runner Within

Running is an easy sport, with very little hand-eye-foot coordination needed. Not much in the way of technology is needed as well- just a pair of decent shoes does the trick. The key is to get started and going out for a short distance on a routine basis.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Shoe'd in..

Today's NYT has a number of interesting pieces on running- there is a good interview with Bill Rodgers. One of my friends once compared my running style to that of Bill.

Picking the right running shoes is one tough job...

Monday, June 22, 2009

In the Heat of the Race

A day like today, with high humidity and muggy temperature, calls out the brave runner in all of us. Unfortunately by the time I came home and got ready it was close to sunset, and I ended up circling the block. Wilted under the heat.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Faking it but raking it in

I have run a few marathons but the last one I tried was in 1996- more than twelve years ago. So I cannot claim, within reason, to be a marathon runner. However, years of practice have made me run efficiently, so observers get fooled by the style. This morning, as I was running a little uphill, an older gentleman who was bicycling was behind me. Eventually he came near me and said hello.
The conversation went as follows:
He: Are you training for a marathon?
I: No, I have done my share of marathons. I am just going out for an easy run.
He: You do look like a marathon runner.

And then, this encounter ended, like others, with each one of us going our own way.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Chasing Miss Humidity- getting soaked in the process

A short but violent storm hit our area last night causing a lot of damage including trees with broken branches and power supply interruptions. Today humidity was reigning supreme- however I went out to run at noon and managed to put in my usual distance .Running in warm humid weather is always a challenge- the effects are experienced later. But enough rest and fluids do the recovery trick.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Bent But not broken

Today there were fierce winds in Chicago area- a number of trees have fallen branches. The enxt few days will be cleanup days. Running will not be broken, though one would have to get around the fallen trees and branches. Sad to see big trees being hurt by the big wind.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Not washed out...yet!

It has been raining almost every day in Chicago, and this morning was no exception. However the weather cleared up by 10:00 AM but it was quite humid. However, neither humidity nor rain stops the runner for long, and I had an enjoyable run, after which I felt quite energized and accomplished quite a lot.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Water, Water everywhere but ....

One aspect of distance running is that a runner needs to drink plenty of water. One solution is to carry a water bottle, but for serious runners it is extra weight to carry, especially over many miles. Another alternative is to run on a path where there are water fountains. When I first moved to this town and was running near my home, there were no water fountains anywhere- but I was younger and could last quite long without water. Recently the City has put up water fountains at two places along with rest rooms- this really makes a runner's life much easier. Tax dollars at work for a good cause.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Is running an anti-depressant and an anti-appetite therapy?

Running lifts the spirits for most runners. It would be interesting to see if runners experience less depression. Should people suffering from depression be put on a diet of running? Further running can potentially reduce the amount one eats, by making the person eat smaller portions. Time to investigate whether studies have been done on this topic.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dragging one's feet

There are days when a runner really feels like returning home a few minutes after starting out because the legs feel like lead and the body is sluggish. The key is to keep pushing forward, letting the body warm up. After some more time, the legs start moving more easily, the body feels lighter, and the experience becomes more enjoyable.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A summer of Sun, Fun and Run

So far this season Chicago has had a lot of cloudy and cool days, and quite a few rainy days. However, today was a gorgeous sunny day with low humidity- perfect for any outdoor activities. If people spend less time with gadgets and more time with Nature, there may be more happiness all the way around. While out running, I saw several folks out for a walk, but with a cell phone glued to their ears. Perhaps they were talking their "tweets." Getting the exercise is good for the body, but it is important to observe and participate in Nature's experiments in order to grow spiritually.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A garden romance

Today, we hosted a little garden party for a half dozen of our good friends and their spouses and children. Even though it rained in the morning, the day became much better over time. A lot of fun was had by all, and the cognoscenti among the visitors appreciated the great romance in the garden- it is truly a remarkable garden, an outcome of more than nine years of slavery.

Friday, June 12, 2009

What a Run!

Just read the following piece!

MANGALORE, India--43 groups, singing one after the other with 1,711 singers, sang 645 songs over 40 hours and set the new world record for the longest singing marathon by multiple singers. Mandd Sobhann went past the Brazilian group’s record at 6 pm on Sunday when the 39th group from Jeri Meri Mumbai gave its performance.

It was Eric Ozario, Gurkaar of Mandd Sobhann, who was leading his own Mandd Sobhann team, the last and 43rd batch on the final stretch of the record attempt. Pullin, in a brief interaction with the press persons, he said the event was well organised.

Teams from different parts of the nation, including Mumbai, Goa, Bangalore, Mysore and Mangalore took part in the venture to break the historic record at the Kalaangann in Mangalore.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Running..in fits and starts

Is it better to run x miles every day, or 2x miles every other day? These types of trade-offs are confronted by every runner routinely. If one is running for specific benefits, like losing weight, the issue is identifying a running strategy that maximizes the benefit. A few scientific studies to evaluate the benefits have been conducted, with no one conclusive result. This runner's experience is- do it for fun, and the benefits will follow.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Running..in the rain

The tough decision for a runner is whether to go out to run when the weather appears to be suspect and there are all indications that the clouds might erupt into rain. After having gone through this situation many times, I have learnt that the best decision is to go out and run- and the a priori probability of rain coming down during the run is 50%. I did go out today in such conditions and I ran into the 50% chance that the rain would come down. It did, and I ran to a place where I could take shelter until the rain slowed down to a drizzle.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Run down

After a busy day that started at 5 A.M. and ended at 8:00 PM, the body feels run down. And without running the body does not feel fresh.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Music - running through the veins

Music moves me the same way running does- takes me through ups and downs, makes me float and run. It was humid and damp this morning when I ran. I don't run to music- too distracting for my thoughts. Tonight, I am listening to some magnificent compositions, by the all-time greats- Salil Choudary, Madan Mohan and Shankar Jaikishen. Kahin Deep Jale Kahin Dil- what a song by Lata for Madan Mohan! And Andhe Jahan Ke- a brilliant SJ song for Talat. What a gift these musicians have given us!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Best praise....

Today I was out for a casual run when I saw a young couple running in the opposite direction. We say hello and continued on. After a few minutes, I stopped at the water fountain and then was doing some stretching when the couple, who had eventually turned around and were going back, also stopped for water. The young lady came up to me and said that I had a fine running form, and that my running style was very efficient and smooth. I had never thought much about my running form- one of my friends, Mr. Good, had remarked a long time ago that I had the style of Bill Rodgers. The young lady then revealed that she is a triathlete and a very good runner herself. It is nice that someone actually is observant enough to notice a person's running and then take the trouble to comment on it. Thank you to the fine young lady and her companion.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

True Friends

Yesterday while I was out running I saw a familiar person running in the opposite direction. We both waved and acknowledged each other and I said something like "Long time.." We both see each other daily during the summer months as we run during the same time, and then in the winter we don't see each other at all. One of these days I should find out her name...on the other hand, it might just be my mystery friend.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Getting the firma of terra firma

After a strenuous run yesterday I went out and did the same course today, at a slower pace. It takes practice and mental confidence to get the body to feel comfortable pounding the pavement. The key is to decrease the exhaustion at the end, and to speed up the recovery. Running does defog the mind.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Gut"ting a run

Running affords one time for reflection, and for reminiscing about the past. As I went out running today I remembered that two years ago I was out running and looking forward to meeting a nice young lady later in June that year. Last year, June was the time when a very nice female friend and I moved in different directions. It was a nice day today- sunny and cool, and with these thoughts I ran a fast pace and having done no sit-ups in a while, my stomach was really hurting towards the end. Made a note to start doing sit-ups and push-ups again.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Run-up to a Run-Down

Pushing oneself really hard, as I have done the past year, is bound to run one down. Time to pick up the pace, and let go of the Internet-ace.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Walk And Run

An interesting article in the NYT on walking and running- "Better Running Through Walking" in which Mr. Parker-Pope writes "To train for my first marathon, I’m using the “run-walk” method, popularized by the distance coach Jeff Galloway, a member of the 1972 Olympic team. When I mentioned this to a colleague who runs, she snickered — a common reaction among purists. But after interviewing several people who have used the method, I’m convinced that those of us run-walking the marathon will have the last laugh. Contrary to what you might think, the technique doesn’t mean walking when you’re tired; it means taking brief walk breaks when you’re not. Depending on one’s fitness level, a walk-break runner might run for a minute and walk for a minute, whether on a 5-mile training run or the 26.2-mile course on race day. A more experienced runner might incorporate a one-minute walk break for every mile of running. Taking these breaks makes marathon training less grueling and reduces the risk of injury, Mr. Galloway says, because it gives the muscles regular recovery time during a long run. Walk breaks are a way for older, less fit and overweight people to take part in a sport that would otherwise be off limits. But most surprising are the stories from veteran runners who say run-walk training has helped them post faster race times than ever..."

I take a few breaks while running, to let my legs recover. The question - whether to run every day or to run just a few days a week- is the tough one.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Still in the Running...

Back during 1993-1998, I used to run from the Tellabs Lisle office to the Arboretum. It was a good distance, and the arboretum was a great place to run in. Running in good locations, with foot-friendly running paths and natural beauty, is great food for the soul.