Monday, July 7, 2008

A LONG RUN- From St. Paul's to St. Paul...

I could not run this morning as I got up quite late and had to hurry to meet a student working on a research project. Consequently I went running in the evening, in the hot and humid air. As my legs propelled me forward my thoughts ran backwards to the first time I ever 'ran' in a race. I was a student at St. Paul's High School, and I was in the seventh grade, I think (circa 1973). The gym teacher organized heats for a 100 metre dash. I decided to run and qualified in the first two rounds but could not make the top three in the third round. After that race, I never paid much attention to running and never raced until I started running seriously in 1985. I have to thank my great friend and motivator Jim for pushing me to run seriously.

While I have run in many places around the world, I have yet to visit (and run in) St. Paul in Minnesota. When I do, it will be a LONG RUN, indeed!

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